Which is a bit of an odd one, since top-tier raiders often pride themselves on the look of gear others cannot acquire, and the class that they picked. All plate wearers are going to look the same. Can you play your class and role at top tier levels? The rewards couldn’t be power, since you needed power to actually beat the challenges – cosmetics are a great alternative.Īnd it was a pretty solid success, all told.īfA does not have class-specific raid gear. If you think about it, this was really Proving Grounds 2.0. It was 100% solo, so you were left to your own devices to improvise. It required a significant investment of time to even scratch the surface. It rewarded cosmetic weapon upgrades (of varying quality). It was time gated, so that you only had a limited time to try it out, until the next window appeared. It was very challenging, requiring a high level of skill or a high item level (sometimes both). There are good things and bad things about the Mage Tower, and that changes depending on your personal view. It’s been in the game since, though more as an afterthought in order to allow people to test more than just combat dummies. Bronze was to check if you had a pulse, silver that you were paying attention, and gold that you understood all your class abilities. A tiered challenge system where you fought waves of enemies, using a specific role (tank/heal/dps) and received a rank at the end. Mists of Pandaria brought the proving grounds. I thought it worked rather well, as it was a test that you have both the proper gear, skills and situational awareness to do more than just press 1-2-3. The old-TSW had a gating mechanism where you needed to beat a single boss given, with a given role (tank/heals/dps) in order to enter group content with that role. It’s not complicated or difficult, just long. Not so bad for people that have been away, but for new players it’s a massive slosh through content that people are facerolling through (yay relevant groupfinder!). FF14 isn’t a whole lot better, as you must go through every single group event to get to the recent content.