The average word count of 5e spells is 144.7 words, while the median word count is 120 words. For a person with an average reading speed of 200 words-per-minute, this is about 5 hours and 45 minutes of reading. The total word count of all DnD 5e spell descriptions is 69,019 words. There are 477 spells in three main fifth edition Dungeons and Dragons sourcebooks (the Player’s Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything). So I made a spreadsheet containing just about every piece of information on every spell in the game and found answers for every other question I could think of. Neat I had all my answers.īut that handful of statistics seemed woefully incomplete. So I did what any normal person would do - I counted the words of every spell description in DnD 5e. That got me thinking - does a lower-level spell take fewer words to explain than a higher-level spell? Do certain classes tend to have wordier spellbooks? And which spell school would offer the toughest curriculum, assuming that word counts are a decent proxy for complexity? Each one is like a little legal document and set of rules unto itself. From soiling your friend’s pants with Prestidigitation to exploding heads with Psychic Scream, DnD spells are just fun to use.īeyond the imaginative aspect of DnD spells, I’ve always been impressed with the language used in spell descriptions. Magic is my favorite part of Dungeons and Dragons.